1) What kind of weather can I expect in Italy in August?
Average daytime temperatures in August range from mid-70’s to high-80’s, but it can get cool in the late evenings and night. Rain at this time is infrequent.
2) Can I arrive before or remain after the sojourn?
If you would like to arrive at the start location in advance or remain at the end location after the sojourn has concluded, Scholarly Sojourns can help you arrange your hotel accommodation and is often able to secure attractive rates. Please indicate these preferences to us after you have registered for a particular sojourn.
3) How much walking will be required on this sojourn?
This sojourn is one of our physically less intensive programs. That being said, we suggest that all participants be comfortable walking up to a half mile at a time and capable of climbing up to three flights of stairs.
4) I am a single traveler, can you help me find a roommate?
Scholarly Sojourns will do all we can to match single travelers with a suitable roommate if they desire. But we cannot guarantee that roommates will be available. Therefore all single travelers should register as such and be prepared to pay the single traveler rate should a roommate not be identified.
5) Is this sojourn appropriate for children?
This sojourn is not appropriate for children. Young adults, however, will find the program quite enjoyable, especially if they have an interest in music or the performing arts.
The meeting point for this sojourn is the Grand Hotel Royal in Viareggio. Participants making their own travel arrangements should plan to arrive between 10:00 and 16:00 on Sunday, August 11, 2018. The first official sojourn activity begins at 17:00 that day.
Optional air package from/to New York: $1,395/person
The air package includes round-trip, trans-Atlantic flight, airport transfers in the destination, and 100% travel assurance. This travel package can be booked once you have registered for this sojourn and paid the initial deposit of $500. Scholarly Sojourns can also help arrange your travel from any US gateway.