At A Glance:
  • Upcoming departures:
    June 22 - 29, 2025
    June 21 - 28, 2026

    Sojourn begins:
    Stratford-upon-Avon, England

    Sojourn concludes:
    London, England

    Price from:
    $3,495/person (DO)
    $3,990/person (SO)

    Combines with: Shakespeare's Italy

    Canterbury Tales Pilgrimage

  • Shakespeare Home

    In his comedies, tragedies, dramas and sonnets, Shakespeare explored all aspects of life—love, politics, war, marriage, friendship, leadership, betrayal, patronage, myth and culture—in flowing, clever, evocative language that has shaped imagery and description over the years and continues to speak to us today. Most experiences can be tied to expressions and situations in the Shakespeare canon; relationships cannot be more thoroughly parsed than through the Shakespearean mirror; few emotions can be better understood or expressed than through his words.

    For all the copious and deserved reverence accorded the works of Shakespeare however, perhaps their most profound quality is simply their timeless appeal.  For no matter how often one revisits the works of Shakespeare, there always seems to be something new to discover, a richer meaning to be found, and a different layer to examine.  This is precisely why they have spoken to countless generations and have been interpreted by a myriad of artists, and translated into a multitude of languages over the past four centuries. Shakespeare is arguably the most quoted, most sited, and most referenced writer in Western history, and possessing a comfortable command of his works has surely paramount to being culturally literate.

    This sojourn is for both those who wish to gain a better understanding of Shakespeare’s works as well as those who wish to continue cultivating an already deep appreciation for them.  It provides a unique opportunity to better understand the man, his works, and the epoch in which he lived while spending time in the locations most relevant to him – his hometown and the city where his plays were written and first performed.

    We begin in the historic and picturesque town of Stratford-upon-Avon where Shakespeare was born in 1564.  There we examine the times and the influences that surely came to bear upon his early life and which surely had a fundamental impact upon his intellectual development.  We visit the locations which are a lasting testament to his life as well as the many memorials which have been erected by generations since his death. For a completely unique perspective, our afternoon balloon flight provides a soaring view of “Shakespeare country” and of the route that Shakespeare would have taken from Stratford-to-Avon to London as an aspiring young playwright.

    Following in Shakespeare’s footsteps, we leave Stratford and journey to London to explore the city that Shakespeare himself surely new. As a thriving center of theater, London also provides numerous opportunities to see how his works  are realized on the stage. Highlights of our time in London include attending performances at both the New Globe Theater and the celebrated Open Air Theater’s Shakespeare festival that takes place in Regent’s Park each summer.

    Along the way we are guided by the expert tutelage of R. Carter Hailey, a fellow at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, and a select group of guest speakers and authoritative guides.  Professor Hailey’s daily briefings focus on the texts of Shakespeare’s best-known plays and upon his unique writing voice and style.  Our guided tours explore how his art evolved through visits to locations relevant to his professional life.  A unique complement to our endeavor is a special half-day workshop at the New Globe Theater which explores the relationship between the architecture, actor, and audience and examines how the playing conditions in the original Globe influenced the scripts Shakespeare wrote for it.

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