
19th century map of Venice_320x219shutterstock_1568516_320x219shutterstock_41692960_320x480Venice at sunset_320x219

Our days begin with a leisurely Venetian breakfast served in the lounge of our hotel overlooking the serene Grand Canal.  There we watch as the city wrestles itself from slumber and traffic along the canal begins to swell.  Just after breakfast, Professor Madden delivers a daily briefing in preparation for the sites we will explore later in the day.  Following the talk, the group heads off to explore a part of the city which helps to reveal yet another chapter in the history of this once great Republic.

Daily Schedule: Wednesday, July 16
7:309:00 Breakfast at Hotel Europa & Regina (individually)
9:0010:00 Morning Lecture – Hotel courtyard
10:0012:30 Walking tour of the Arsenale – Headquarters of the Venetian Naval fleet.
12:3013:30 Lunch
13:3015:30 Visit to the Island and the church of San Giorgio Maggiore home of Tintoretto’s Last Supper
15:3019:30 Free
19:3021:30 Seminar Evening and group dinner at Ristorante “Da Mario” alla Fava
21:3022:30 Optional concert of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons at La Chiesa di S. Giacometto
Plenty of time during the week is also left entirely free so participants can explore their own interests. Want to experience the romance of Venice?  Then an intimate gondola trip may be in order. For a bit of shopping, a stroll to the Rialto Market or the web of narrow streets surrounding San Marco are good places to start.

When it comes to nightlife, you could not be in a more enchanting city. Whether it’s a romantic dinner for two that you seek, an evening at the opera, or perhaps a concert of renaissance music, your Scholarly Sojourns tour manager is always on hand to recommend the best eateries and most coveted venues for an exciting and enjoyable evening.

Seminar Evenings
Two evenings during the week are reserved for special seminars designed to encourage group participation and discussion. While we enjoy a few bottles of wine and a dinner of typical Venetian cuisine, Professor Madden leads us in a discussion of topics we’ve covered during our visits and morning lectures. The locations for these seminar evenings are specially selected to provide both atmosphere and history – one, a generations-old, family-run restaurant that brings the art of Venetian cooking to life, and the other, a charming canal-side trattoria where gondolas pass just a few yards from the tables.
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