
Acropolis at Sunset o - shutterstock_28763098_790x263

Sojourn Highlights

  • Exploring the works of Herodotus and Thucydides while visiting the historic locations in their writings: Salamis, Thermopylae, and Marathon
  • Visits to the World Heritage Sites of ancient Olympia, Mycenae, and Delphi
  • In depth exploration of Homer’s epics The Illiad and Odyssey
  • Seminar evenings with Professor Shutt hosted in historic venues
  • Timothy Shutt is an award winning professor of humanities from Kenyon College whose animated lectures specialize in bringing the ancient world to life
  • A privately guided tour of the Acropolis and the recently opened Acropolis Museum
  • A performance of a classic Greek drama in an ancient theater
  • Journey to ancient Sparta and the ruins of the Spartan Acropolis
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