At A Glance:
  • Upcoming departures:
    July 20 - 27, 2025
    July 12 - 19, 2026

    Sojourn begins:
    Grasmere, England

    Sojourn concludes:
    Grasmere, England

    Price from:
    $3,495/person (DO)
    $3,990/person (SO)

    Combines with:
    Anglo-Saxon Britain


  • DaffodilsHiking Little LangdaleBalloons ready for flightLakeland farmhouseThe View Over Stickle TarnWordsworth's Home, Dove Cottage

    As an Active Scholar program, this sojourn is designed to keep participants as physically challenged as they are mentally stimulated, so our week of exploring the great Romantic Poets is punctuated with invigorating hikes and thrilling climbs.  Following breakfast each morning we begin with an informal lecture from Professor Potkay. These lectures are presented in our hotel’s graceful lounge or on the lovely garden terrace, weather permitting. Our afternoons are peppered with opportunities to get out and explore the natural beauty that surrounds. Over the course of the week, we undertake a few challenging climbs that reward those who make the trip with stunning views of the Lakeland. Of course, those who wish not to participate in the more challenging adventures are free to use the time as they wish. There are also a couple of special treats in store as well: an afternoon balloon flight provides a bird’s eye view over lakes and a mid-week excursion takes us north, across the Scottish Boarder to the heart of Robert Burns Country.

    Daily Schedule: Tuesday, July 19
    7:309:00 Breakfast at the Wordsworth Hotel (individually)
    9:0010:00 Morning Breifing – Wordsworth Hotel Lounge
    10:0011:30 Guided walking tour: “The Grasmere of William and Dorothy Wordsworth”
    11:3013:00 Picnic lunch along the banks of Grasmere Water
    13:0017:00 Group hike over Loughrigg Fell to Ambleside (or free time)
    17:0019:00 Free
    19:0021:30 Seminar evening at Dove Cottage
    21:30 Post-seminar pub discussion

    The sojourn schedule keeps those who wish to take part in all the group hikes and climbs quite busy, but also takes care to allow some free time for participants to explore their own interests. Those who choose to forgo the more challenging adventures are afforded even more time to pursue other activities. In addition, two evenings during the week are left entirely free for participants to explore their own dinning an entertainment options in the Lakeland. Nearby Ambleside offers a wonderful selection of restaurants and shopping venues and the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick offers award-winning entertainment. In addition, our group often gathers informally at a local pub to end each evening with conversation and a nightcap.

    Seminar Evenings
    Seminar evenings present a forum for group discussion on the material we covered and on this sojourn the locations for these events are a real treat. Our first seminar evening is held in Wordsworth’s home, Dove Cottage, so that we might discuss his works in the actual place where they were written. Later in the week we are the special guests at a 17th-century manor where the beautifully restored dining room provides stunning vistas over the lakes.
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