Upcoming departures:July 20 - 27, 2025July 19 - 26, 2026
Sojourn begins: Newcastle, England
Sojourn concludes: Winchester, England
Price from:$3,795/person (DO)$4,195/person (SO)
Combines with:
Vikings and Sagas
Roman Britain
As one of our more itinerant sojourns, this program offers a sweeping journey through the English countryside for those who like to travel. While days typically begin with a relaxed morning briefing from Professor Drout, this stands in contrast the to active afternoons and evenings exploring the archaeological remains of Anglo-Saxon civilization. Traveling by privately chartered mini-coach, the sojourn works its way down the east coast of England, stopping at the most significant Anglo-Saxon remains. In some locations expert guest lecturers help us gain a deeper understanding of a specific site.
While our endeavor keeps us quite busy, we never lose site of the fact that this journey is also a vacation. Thus an ample amount of time is included during the week for participants to pursue their own interests. A large block of time is often left free during mid-day lunch stops. In addition, three evenings are left entirely free, one in Durham, one in York, and one in Canterbury.