At A Glance:
  • Upcoming departures:
    July 20 - 27, 2025
    July 19 - 26, 2026

    Sojourn begins:
    Newcastle, England

    Sojourn concludes:
    Winchester, England

    Price from:
    $3,795/person (DO)
    $4,195/person (SO)

    Combines with:

    Vikings and Sagas

    Roman Britain


  • Durham Cathedral above the River WearWhitby HarborAnglo-Saxon gravestoneThe remains of Whitby AbbeyCity of York at night

    As one of our more itinerant sojourns, this program offers a sweeping journey through the English countryside for those who like to travel. While days typically begin with a relaxed morning briefing from Professor Drout, this stands in contrast the to active afternoons and evenings exploring the archaeological remains of Anglo-Saxon civilization. Traveling by privately chartered mini-coach, the sojourn works its way down the east coast of England, stopping at the most significant Anglo-Saxon remains. In some locations expert guest lecturers help us gain a deeper understanding of a specific site.

    Daily Schedule: Tuesday, July 30
    7:309:00 Breakfast – Lumley Castle Hotel
    9:009:30 Daily briefing – Lumley Castle Hotel Lounge
    10:0010:30 Visit to the ruins of the Anglo-Saxon Monestary at Monkwearmouth
    12:0013:00 Tour of the ruins of Whitby Abbey
    13:0016:30 Lunch stop and free time for exploring Whitby (your tour manager will point the way to the best fish and chips in Britain)
    16:3017:30 Travel across North Yorkshire Moors National Park to York
    17:3019:30 Free in York
    19:3021:30 Seminar dinner at a historic restaurant in York
    21:30 - Free

    While our endeavor keeps us quite busy, we never lose site of the fact that this journey is also a vacation. Thus an ample amount of time is included during the week for participants to pursue their own interests. A large block of time is often left free during mid-day lunch stops. In addition, three evenings are left entirely free, one in Durham, one in York, and one in Canterbury.

    Seminar Dinners
    On two evenings during our sojourn we enjoy seminar dinners together which provide a forum to discuss the material we’ve explored. Over fantastic meals showcasing the best of regional British cuisine, Professor Drout leads the group in discussion. The locations for these meals are are chosen specifically to highlight the subject matter – in Durham we dine in the atmospheric private dining room of a 14th-century castle and in Felixstowe our venue is a centuries-old pub.

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    © 2010 Scholarly Sojourns, LLC
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